

[Vordingborg, Denmark]

Srimon is a young, professional DJ/Producer whos career is forging forward.

With his unique musicality and extreme energi on stage and behind the decks, everyone gets going and the party gets started.

In 2018 and 2019 Simon played at “Vordingborg Festuge” with his amazing show, where up to 15.000 audiences showed up to party to the sound of Srimons EDM sets.

Despite his young age he plays music that gets every age group dancing from start to finish.

Srimon lives in South Zealand but plays clubs and mobile gigs all over Denmark as well as outside Denmark.

He’s had the honor of being the resident DJ at the tv famous nightclub “Room2” in Sunny Beach – Bulgaria, as well as guest Dj’ed at “Den Glade Viking” (The Happy Viking) 2 years straight.

Srimon grew up in a music family and therefore always has been involved in music. Simon masters many different instruments such as guitar, bass, drums and keyboard/synths. A show with Srimon will therefore always be musically coherent, with the ultimate sense of rhythm, key, energy and expression.

Srimon lives and breathes for his music, which is clearly felt every time his behind the decks.

Srimon is ready to tear you and your audience a new behind, so be prepared to be drained for energy when he leaves the stage.


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